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Australian Consul General Adelle Neary and her delegation visited OLYMVAX


On the morning of March 16, 2022, Ms. Adelle Neary, Consul General of Australian Consulate General in Chengdu, and her delegation visited OLYMVAX and discussed the future cooperation between the two parties.

The meeting was also attended by Mr. Rhett Miller, Deputy Consul General of the Australian Consulate General in Chengdu and Commercial Commissioner of Austrade, Ms. Emily Collins, Second Secretary of the Australian Embassy in China, Mr. Zhan Wenxiang, Senior Investment Director of Austrade, and Ms. Wang Ming, Business Officer, in the company of Mr. Fan Shaowen, Chairman and General Manager of OLYMVAX, Ms. Fan Fan, utive Vice General Manager, and Mr. Wu Wei, Secretary of the Board of Directors and General Manager Assistant, and other leaders.


Consul General Adelle Neary and her delegation were warmly received by Mr. Fan Shaowen, President and General Manager and other leaders of OLYMVAX.


The parties first held a discussion.



After that, Consul General Adelle Neary and her delegation visited the production workshops of OLYMVAX.


OLYMVAX started its cooperation with Australia has started as early as 2016. This meeting further deepened their cooperation, and also promoted OLYMVAX’s bidirectional international development strategy of “going global and bringing in”.

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