Tetanus is a fatal infectious disease induced by the toxin-producing Clostridium tetani causing poisoning of the nervous system. Tetanus can develop at any age, with a very high mortality even under modern intensive care.
Manual downloadHaemophilus Influenzae Type B (Hib) is a type of haemophilus influenzae capsule. The polysaccharide capsule in its structure can shield the bacteria from cytophagocytosis and cause secondary infection in other parts by invading the blood, further inducing serious diseases such as meningitis, pneumonia, epiglottic cartilage (inflammation), septicemia, cellulitis, and osteoarthritis.
Manual downloadNeisseria meningitidis is the primary cause of meningitis and explosive septicemia. In addition to meningitis and bacteremia, neisseria meningitidis can also cause arthritis and myocarditis.
Manual downloadTetanus is a fatal infectious disease induced bythe toxin-producing Clostridium tetani causingpoisoning of the nervous system. Tetanus candevelop at any age, with a very high mortalityeven under modern intensive care.
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