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Entrepreneurs Speech: Fan Shaowen of OLYMVAX: Accelerate the development of COVID-19 Vaccine


This article is repasted from Chengdu High-tech Zone Convergence Media Center.

Link to Original Article:http://web.chinamshare.com/cdgxqrmt_html/APP/xxfyssdt/60611405.shtml?share=true&from=groupmessage&isappinstalled=0


He once led Sichuan Shuyang to become a leading enterprise in the blood product industry, led Zhongyuan Ruide from loss to profit in just three years to realize consecutive sales growth, and also revitalized Guiyang Qianfeng Bio-Products, then merged it into Taibang Biologic Group, and successfully entered the overseas capital market...In the more than 40 years of work, Fan Shaowen, a maker in Chengdu High-tech Zone, has repeatedly performed the “Midas Touch” to make many biological products enterprises get out of difficulties and reinvented.

“I’m uninitiated in capital operations, but I know more about industrial operations, especially in the blood products and vaccine industries. I’m interested in them much more.” As COVID-19 is rampant globally, Mr. Fan Shaowen has accelerated his development of COVID-19 vaccine on the platform of OLYMVAX!

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