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OLYMVAX Vaccine Research Institute was awarded the Project of Enterprises Encouraged to Plan and Construct Major Functional Innovation Platform under “Measures to Strengthen Technological Breakthrough


On March 17, 2020, the Cash-in of the First Batch of Project Policies and the Symposium of Biological Enterprises under “Measures to Strengthen Technological Breakthroughs and Material Support for COVID-19 Prevention and Control in Chengdu High-tech Zone” was held in Chengdu High-tech Zone to support 18 enterprises and 2 provincial medical institutions that deeply participated in epidemic prevention and control and made practical contributions. Since OLYMVAX took the initiative in technological breakthroughs for epidemic prevention and control, OLYMVAX Vaccine Research Institute was awarded the project of Enterprises Encouraged to Plan and Construct Major Functional Innovation Platform under “Measures to Strengthen Technological Breakthroughs and Material Support for COVID-19 Prevention and Control in Chengdu High-tech Zone” in 2020. Ms. Fan Fan, utive Vice General Manager of the Company, attended the Symposium and Implementation Ceremony. With the support of the government of High-tech Zone, OLYMVAX will give full play to its technological advantages, accelerate technological innovation, and contribute to COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control.


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