
Disclosure of Environmental Impact Statement (Exposure Draft) of Intelligent Capacity and Production Expansion Project of OLYMVAX Vaccine Production Base of Chengdu Olymvax Biopharmaceuticals Inc.


According to the provisions of the Environmental Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Environmental Impact Assessment and the Regulations on the Administration of Construction Project Environmental Protection and the requirements of the Measures for Public Participation in Environmental Impact Assessment, the Employer shall, in accordance with the law, listen to the comments of citizens, legal persons and other organizations within the scope of environmental impact assessment. At present, the Environmental Impact Statement (Exposure Draft) of Intelligent Capacity and Production Expansion Project of OLYMVAX Vaccine Production Base of Chengdu Olymvax Biopharmaceuticals Inc. has been developed, and Chengdu Olymvax Biopharmaceuticals Inc. now discloses the main contents of the exposure draft to the public for comments.

I. Overview of Environmental Impact Statement of the Project

1. Project Background

With a total investment of RMB 220 million, the Intelligent Capacity and Production Expansion Project of OLYMVAX Vaccine Production Base is mainly engaged in the production of Tetanus Vaccine, Adsorbed, Haemophilus Influenzae Type b Conjugate Vaccine, Group A and Group C Meningococcal Polysaccharide Conjugate Vaccine, and Group A and Group C Meningococcal and Haemophilus Influenzae Type b (Conjugate) Combined Vaccine.

2. Project Overview

Project name: Intelligent Capacity and Production Expansion Project of OLYMVAX Vaccine Production Base

The Employer: Chengdu Olymvax Biopharmaceuticals Inc.

Construction Location: No. 99, Tianxin Road, High-tech Zone, Chengdu, Sichuan Province (within the existing plant of Chengdu Olymvax Biopharmaceuticals Inc.)

Type of Construction: Expansion

Total Investment: RMB 220 million

Construction Content and Scale: The Project has an annual production of 25 million doses of vaccine per year, including 5 million doses of Haemophilus Influenzae Type b Conjugate Vaccine, 5 million doses of Group A and Group C Meningococcal Polysaccharide Conjugate Vaccine, 5 million doses of Group A and Group C Meningococcal and Haemophilus Influenzae Type b (Conjugate) Combined Vaccine, and 10 million doses of Tetanus Vaccine, Adsorbed.

3. Status of Regional Environmental Quality

(1) Status of environmental air quality: According to 2021 Chengdu Ambient Air Quality Status, the air in the project area is not up to the standard. According to the Planning for Standard Compliance of Air Quality in Chengdu (2018-2027), by 2027, the ambient air quality in Chengdu is improved comprehensively, the concentration of major air pollutants reaches the national second-class ambient air quality standard, and the heavily polluted weather is completely eliminated.

During the monitoring period, the contents of TSP and nitrogen oxides in the ambient air of the project area meet the requirements of the secondary standards in the Ambient Air Quality Standards (GB3095-2012). The contents of ammonia, methanol, hydrogen sulfide, acetone, hydrogen chloride, formaldehyde, TVOC and sulfuric acid all meet the relevant requirements in Appendix D of Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment - Atmospheric Environment (HJ2.2-2018). Hydrogen cyanide can meet the maximum permissible concentration standard (daily average) of air pollutants in residential areas of the former Soviet Union.

(2) Status of water environment: According to the Status of Surface Water Environmental Quality in Chengdu in the Fourth Quarter of 2021 published on the official website of Chengdu Bureau of Ecological Environment, the monitoring results prove that the monitoring section of Yongning met the requirements of Class III quality standard of the Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water (GB3838-2002).

(3) Status of acoustic environmental quality: The noise values of all monitoring points meet the requirements of Class 3 standards in the Environmental Quality Standards for Noise (GB3096-2008), and the noise values of the monitoring points in the surrounding sensitive protection targets (Longfor Times Paradise Walk Street, Gaoxin Youth Apartment) meet the requirements of Class 2 standards in the Environmental Quality Standards for Noise (GB3096-2008), indicating that the acoustic environment quality of the project site is relatively good.

(4) Status of groundwater environmental quality: All indicators of the groundwater monitoring section in the project area meet the requirements of Class III standards in the Standard for Groundwater Quality (GB/T14848-2017).

(5) Status of soil quality: During the monitoring period, the indicators of each substance in the soil in the project area meet the requirements of the screening value of the second category of land in the Soil Environmental Quality - Risk Control for Construction Land Soil Pollution (Trial) (GB/T36600-2018), indicating that the soil environmental quality of the project area is good.

4. Environmental Pollution and Prevention Measures of the Project

(1) Waste water: After the construction of the Project, the formaldehyde and the total organic carbon of the factory wastewater outlet can meet the requirements of Table 2 of the Discharge Standard of Water Pollutants for Pharmaceutical Industry Bio-pharmaceutical Category (GB21907-2008), the chloride can meet the reference requirements of Class B standard of the Wastewater Quality Standards for Discharge to Municipal Sewers (GB/T31962-2015), and the other indicators can meet the applicable discharge standard limits for wastewater discharge permission in High-tech Zone, Chengdu. Therefore, the wastewater of the Project could be discharged at a standard level.

(2) Groundwater: It is planned to prevent seepage by zones in the plant, and to take different groundwater pollution prevention and control measures for key, general and simple seepage prevention areas respectively to prevent groundwater pollution.

(3) Waste gas: After the waste gas is treated by the respective treatment system, hydrogen chloride, ammonia and NMHC can meet the requirements of “Table 2 Special Emission Limits of Air Pollutants”; Methanol, nitrogen oxide and sulfuric acid fog can meet the requirements of the secondary standard in Table 2 of the Integrated Emission Standard for Air Pollutants (GB16297-1996); hydrogen sulfide complies with the Emission Standards for odor Pollutants (GB14554-93). Other pollutants could meet the requirements of Table 3 and Table 4 in the local standard Emission Standard for Volatile Organic Compounds from Fixed Pollution Sources in Sichuan Province (DB51/2377-2017).

(4) Noise: The noise in the Project mainly came from power equipment such as air compressors, fans, and various pumps. After taking reasonable measures such as reasonable overall layout, vibration reduction, sound insulation, and noise reduction, the boundary noise of the Project could meet the requirements of Class 3 standard of the Emission Standard for Industrial Enterprises Noise at Boundary (GB12348-2008), and the noise of sensitive points could meet the Class 2 standard in the Environmental Quality Standards for Noise (GB3096-2008).

(5) The solution for solid waste treatment to be adopted in the Project is more comprehensive and safe, and the disposal destination is clear, basically eliminating the secondary pollution to the environment. Therefore, the solid waste disposal measures taken by the Project were technically reasonable and feasible.

5. Environmental Impact Analysis

(1) Environmental impact on surface water:

After the construction of the Project, the cyanide-containing wastewater will be treated by the cyanide-containing wastewater treatment system. The bioactive wastewater will be treated by the HPHT inactivation system, and then mixed with other wastewater into the wastewater treatment station of the plant. After the formaldehyde and the total organic carbon meet the requirements of Table 2 of the Discharge Standard of Water Pollutants for Pharmaceutical Industry Bio-pharmaceutical Category (GB21907-2008), the chloride meet the reference requirements of Class B standard of the Wastewater Quality Standards for Discharge to Municipal Sewers (GB/T31962-2015), and the other indicators meet the applicable discharge standard limits for wastewater discharge permission in High-tech Zone, Chengdu, the wastewater will be discharged into the cooperative wastewater treatment plant for further treatment before discharged into Qingshui River. This Project is located within the range of wastewater collection range of the cooperative wastewater treatment plant which is capable of receiving the wastewater from the Project. The quality of the wastewater from the Project will not affect the normal operation of the wastewater treatment plant. After treated and drained at the standard level, the wastewater exerts a slight impact on the water quality of Qingshui River.

(2) Groundwater impact analysis

In order to minimize the pollution to groundwater, the plant is designed with seepage prevention by zones and associated seepage prevention measures were taken for different prevention and control areas. Based on the implementation of the groundwater pollution prevention measures proposed in the Statement, the project construction had a small impact on local groundwater environment.

(3) Atmospheric environmental impact

The waste gas in the Project can be emitted at a standard level after corresponding treatment measures are taken. AERSCREEN estimation model is used to calculate the waste gas emission under normal working conditions of the Project. The calculation results indicate that, under normal working conditions, the largest proportion of air pollutants emitted by the Project is hydrogen chloride (accounting for less than 10%) from the unorganized emission of the Quality Inspection and R&D Center. Therefore, the atmospheric environmental impact of the Project is assessed as Grade 2. The impact of the Project on the atmospheric environment is acceptable.

(4) Acoustic environmental impact

By rationally arranging noise sources, selecting low-noise equipment as far as possible and taking appropriate noise reduction measures such as sound insulation, noise reduction and vibration reduction, the noise source intensity of the Project will be greatly reduced, and the noise contribution value is between 18.70 and 32.19dB(A). The boundary noise of the Project could meet the requirements of Class 3 standard of the Emission Standard for Industrial Enterprises Noise at Boundary (GB12348-2008), and the noise of sensitive points could meet the Class 2 standard in the Environmental Quality Standards for Noise (GB3096-2008). Therefore, the construction of the Project has little impact on the acoustic environment of the project area located and will not change the function of the regional sound environment.

(5) Soil environmental impact

The soil environmental quality in the project area meets the requirements of the screening value of the second category of land in the Soil Environmental Quality - Risk Control for Construction Land Soil Pollution (GB/T36600-2018). On the basis of strengthening flood control, leakage control, waste gas treatment and emergency treatment, the Project controls its own strong pollution sources on the regional soil environment from the source to ensure that the impact of the Project on the regional soil environment is at an acceptable level.

(6) Solid waste impact

The solid waste from the Project includes hazardous waste and general waste. Hazardous waste is classified and temporarily stored in a temporary storage warehouse for hazardous waste, and regularly handed over to the organizations with hazardous waste treatment qualifications for unified cleaning and disposal. General industrial solid waste is classified and temporarily stored in a temporary storage warehouse for general waste and regularly cleared. The temporary storage warehouse for hazardous waste shall be constructed in strict accordance with the requirements of the Standard for Pollution Control on Hazardous Waste Storage (GB18597-2001), and shall be treated against wind, rain, sunlight and seepage measures and provided with impermeable and anti-corrosion drainage trenches or cofferdams. The solid waste from the Project is disposed at a clear destination and will not cause secondary pollution to the surrounding environment.

(7) Environmental risk impact analysis

The Project involves the use and storage and transport of many kinds of hazardous chemicals, and the ratio of the quantity of hazardous substances to the critical quantity is Q<1. The risk potential of the Project is Grade I and the environmental risk evaluation is rated as simple analysis. The most conceivable environmental risk accident of the Project is environmental pollution and poisoning caused by the diffusion of pollutants after material leakage. During the operation of enterprises, risks and hidden dangers can be minimized by establishing strict risk prevention measures, strengthening training on employees’ ability to prevent incident risks, developing emergency plans and incident emergency plans, and timely tracking and revising them, making the environmental risks prevented and controlled.

In summary, the environmental risk assessment of the Project is rated as simple analysis; the project risk control measures are effective and reliable; as long as the relevant requirements for environmental risk management of the Project are implemented conscientiously, the environmental risks of the Project can be prevented and controlled from the perspective of environmental risks.

6. Main Conclusions of Environmental Impact Assessment

Intelligent Capacity and Production Expansion Project of OLYMVAX Vaccine Production Base of Chengdu Olymvax Biopharmaceuticals Inc. is located at No. 99, Tianxin Road, High-tech Zone, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province. The construction of the Project conforms to the existing national industrial policies and local development plans. The pollution prevention and control measures proposed for the Project are economically feasible and technically reliable. Although it is inevitable to produce a certain amount of wastewater, waste gas, noise and solid waste during production, its supporting environmental protection facilities are perfect, and the applied treatment solution is reasonable. As long as the management and implementation of environmental protection measures are carefully strengthened, the Project can fully meet the requirements of national and local environmental protection laws and standards, and will not exert adverse effects on the surrounding environment. Meanwhile, the environmental risk control measures of the Project are effective and reliable, and environmental risks can be prevented and controlled. The Project can meet the requirements of national and local environmental protection regulations and standards by recycling and using resources as much as possible and strengthening management and daily monitoring. Under the premise that the Employers implements the environmental protection measures proposed in the Statement, the project location is feasible from the perspective of environmental impact.

II. Scope of Public Comments

The public comments primarily include the comments and requirements of the masses or social organizations around the Project (such as village committees, enterprises and public institutions) on environmental protection involved in the construction project.

III. How do the Public Send Their Comments

The public can send their comments and suggestions to the Employer by telephone, fax, letter, E-mail, fill out the public comments form and other means.

When sending the comments, it is required to provide valid contact information and real-name submission and resident addresses are recommended. For the relevant personal information sent by the public, the Company promises not to use it for purposes other than public participation in environmental impact assessment.

IV. Network Link to Public Comments Form

Link: Fetch Code: txj9

V. Network Link to the Environmental Impact Statement (Exposure Draft) and How to Access to Paper Copy

Link:Fetch Code: yef5

How to Access to Paper Copy: Please contact the Employer according to the contact information to access to the paper copy.

VI. Validity Period for the Public to Send Comments

Within 10 business days of disclosure of the Environmental Impact Statement

VII. Contact Information of the Employer

Organization Name: Chengdu Olymvax Biopharmaceuticals Inc.

Contact: Mr. Wang

Tel.: 18030682384


VIII. Name and Contact Information of the EIA Organization

EIA Organization: IT Electronics Eleventh Design & Research Institute Scientific and Technological Engineering Corporation Limited

Contact: Engineer Tang

Tel.: 028-84390565

Contact Address: No. 251, Shuanglin Road, Chenghua District, Chengdu


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